Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame

The Artists Museum

The 4 Ecologists
de Gennaro - Korporal - Wiegner - Bunkley

The 3 Surrealists
Merino - Cabrera - Saínz

The 3 Francesca's
Lolli - Fini - Leoni

Retrospective Oksana Chepelyk


“Hall of Fame” – launched on 04 June 2022 as a new Department of The New Museum of Networked Art – is the name of The Artists Museum – featuring, encouraging and honoring artists working...
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The 3 Surrealists

Winter of Enlightenment The motto of the winter program @ Alphabet Art Center can be understood as am invocation addressed to art and the viewer to get and generate enlightenment. The 3 Surrealists Concept The...
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The 3 Francesca’s

……. The 3 Francesca’s by family name Fini, Leoni and Lolli are striking in the Italian contemporary art scene not only through the same first name Francesca, but primarily, of course, through their individual creativity...
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Retrospective – Oksana Chepelyk

Oksana Chepelyk - selected videos 1998-2007 curated by Yarina Butkovska Deaf-Mute-Chorus, 1998-2004, 5:00 Leader’s Favourite Toys, 1998, 15:00 Virtual Sea Tower, 2000, 5:00 Introduction”, 2000, 9:50 Urban Multimedia Utopia, 2002, 10:00 Shifting Time, 2003/2004, 6:33...
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